This is an author's blog written by Pico Triano. 'Pico's Profile' will tell you a little about me. 'Pico's Stuff' will lead you to links and information on how you can access all my publicly available writing. 'Friends and Family' advertises websites on behalf of family and friends. The 'Friend Book Reviews' page is where I review materials written by the many friends I have made as a writer. Finally I recently added a review page for general reviews.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Eventful Couple of Days

So eventful that I've had trouble getting back here to do a post about it all here on my author's blog.

First I got my royalty check from Inknbeans Press. That was supposed to be here awhile ago. There are some issues with getting mail from there to here. They could have paid me via Paypal which would have been a lot quicker but I wanted the experience of holding the check in my hand. This is my first one. Next time we'll go the Paypal route. It's nice to get paid.

Second item besides my usual too busy schedule was dropping by the local town library in Sackville to drop of copies of "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie". They had one copy and I had promised four more. Inknbeans liked the picture my son took and asked me to send them a copy. Hoping we can get a little publicity and a few more sales out of all this. I sent them contact information for the local news outlets.

Besides that I still continue to struggle to write regularly everywhere I committed myself to write. Bubblews continues to pay and I continue to contribute there. The cycling webzine is a lot of work but we haven't failed to make that happen each month. I really would like to attract some more writers to the project. Would make the project easier. It'd be nice to see some articles from international areas. I never intended it to be a maritime Canada webzine.