This is an author's blog written by Pico Triano. 'Pico's Profile' will tell you a little about me. 'Pico's Stuff' will lead you to links and information on how you can access all my publicly available writing. 'Friends and Family' advertises websites on behalf of family and friends. The 'Friend Book Reviews' page is where I review materials written by the many friends I have made as a writer. Finally I recently added a review page for general reviews.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Euphoria and A Big Month Ahead!

The big news this week was the arrival of a box of fifteen copies of my novel Let Sleeping Dog Lie. To finally hold a physical copy of my first published novel was a huge high for me. I love it. The book looks terrific.

I'm intending to sell fourteen copies and try to use the third one to garner some publicity with one of the local radio stations. Nine are already sold and there are four other people who have already stated their intention to buy. At this point it is a first come first serve. The people who were promised first choice have already got their copies. I expect the rest will be gone early next week. I wish I had the resources to carry a larger inventory. I'm sure at work I could sell off more than twenty-five copies. Have to stay within my finances though.

Today is the start of NaNoWriMo. Our family has five people taking a shot at it. Again I'm probably the weak link with a brutal schedule. I will try to make it happen though.

The only other writing project I'm working on at this point is preparing to put together a few niche websites. I want to see if I can make a small income doing that. I have good solid ideas for two sites. One of those site I have sufficient content already written to get started. My focus right now is experimenting with several different advertisers. I haven't been terribly impressed at this point. I will update progress on this project here periodically.

A plate full for November, I hope to make it a very successful month.


  1. I'm currently reading your book, loving every page...great stuff Pico!

  2. Glad you're enjoying it Alfonso. Hope to have a sequel out sometime next year.
